The 2020 National Pheasant Fest will be in Minneapolis, and the dates are February 14-16. TCVC will have a booth at the event, assuming we have enough members who would like to help. If you’ve done this before, you know how much fun it is. If you haven’t, please take a look at the link (below) for information. If you work our booth you’ll have free admission for that day.
We will need to schedule two or three members for each shift, and at least two dogs. (Dogs get lots of attention – they enjoy it a lot, but they do get tired.) If the hours are the same as in previous years, it will be something like this. We can divide each day into shifts, typically 4 to 6 hours.
Friday, noon to 8:00 PM (plus set-up before noon)
Saturday, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Sunday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (plus take-down after 4:00)
Please let us know ASAP if you’re interested, and which day(s) you could be available. We don’t need to do a final schedule yet, but we DO need to know if we’ll have enough people to make it happen. We need to send in the booth rental payment soon.
If you have any questions, just let us know. Thanks!
Beth and Mike Nash