Attend a Meeting
First things first - attend a meeting. Check out our Calendar for upcoming events. Meet club members, ask us all your questions, and see what TCVC is all about!
Find a MeetingChoose your Membership Level
There are many ways to contribute to TCVC. As such, there are a few membership options for you to choose. Read more below to choose your best fit.
Complete your application and turn it in to the club Secretary at the next available meeting. There will be a first and second reading of the application prior to being sent to the club membership for a vote.
ApplicationConnect with us
By now you may have an area of interest in the Twin Cities Vizsla Club. Be sure to contact a committee chair to learn more and how you can get involved after your application is approved
Committee ChairsMembership Levels
Regular membership is open to all persons eighteen years of age or older who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club (AKC) and who subscribe to the purposes of this club. This member level is available to individuals who are able to attend Club meetings and retain this level based on good standing with the AKC and the Club.
To become a regular member, you must attend at least one meeting, submit an application for membership to the club, and be approved by vote at a Club meeting. The application must contain the signatures of two sponsors who are regular members.
Read the Constitution & By-Laws
To maintain this level of membership you must attend one meeting per calendar year.
Voting Privileges:
Regular Members have full voting privileges and are eligible to hold officer or board positions.
Annual Dues:
You may contact us at tcvizslaclub@gmail.com for more information.
Associate membership is open to all persons eighteen years of age or older who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club and who subscribe to the purposes of this club. This membership level is for persons who cannot attend meetings on a regular basis.
To become an associate member, you must attend at least one meeting, submit an application for membership to the club, and be approved by vote at a Club meeting. The application must contain the signatures of two sponsors who are regular members.
Read the Constitution & By-Laws
There is no meeting attendance requirement. This membership level provides you an opportunity to become a regular member based on attending one or more meetings in the previous calendar year.
Voting Privileges:
Associate members are ineligible to hold office and do not have voting privileges.
Annual Dues:
You may contact us at tcvizslaclub@gmail.com for more information.
Junior membership is open to all persons less than eighteen years of age who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club and subscribe to the purposes of this club.
To become a junior member, you must attend at least one meeting, submit an application for membership to the club, and be approved by vote at a Club meeting. The application must contain the signatures of two sponsors who are regular members.
Read the Constitution & By-Laws
This membership level provides you an opportunity to become a regular or associate member based on attending one or more meetings in the previous calendar year and becoming eighteen years of age.
Voting Privileges:
Junior members are ineligible to hold office or vote.
Annual Dues:
You may contact us at tcvizslaclub@gmail.com for more information.
Family membership is open to households that have two adult TCVC members (i.e. 1 Regular, 1 Associate).
Requirements | Maintenance | Voting Privileges:
See individual membership pages for more information.
Annual Dues:
You may contact us at tcvizslaclub@gmail.com for more information.