What is a rescue vizsla?
We occasionally have Vizsla's of all ages that need a new home. If you are interested in a rescue Vizsla, please fill out an adoption application. TCVC Rescue is run by volunteers. Please allow up to one week for a rescue coordinator to review your application and contact you. If you do not hear back from someone, please contact us.
If you own a Vizsla and can no longer keep him/her and you live in Minnesota, South Dakota or North Dakota, please contact us to discuss the options available. You can also fill out an Intake form.
If you own a Vizsla and can no longer keep him/her and you live outside of Minnesota, South Dakota or North Dakota, you may contact us as well and we will try to find someone in that area to help. Alternatively, you can check the Vizsla Club of America for the rescue coordinator in your state.
TCVC Rescue will also contact area shelters if they are housing a Vizsla. If you are able to confirm that a Vizsla is in a shelter, please contact us with information as soon as possible.
Maybe Rescue is an area you would be interested in volunteering your time? Help is always needed for foster homes and transport. There are so many ways to help rescue.
Do you still have questions?

A foster family provides a safe and loving environment for a dog until adoption. In addition to affection, foster families provide basic care such as food, water and shelter. Foster parents are expected to teach basic house manners such as crate, leash and house training. It is helpful if foster families can transport adoptable dogs to events or vet visits, but is not required. Twin Cities Vizsla Club Rescue pays for all vetting and preventatives, and can provide crates, toys and food, when needed.
All of this care and training requires funds that are provided by generous donations to rescue or occasional fund raisers. Your donation will be used to help current and future Vizslas in TCVC rescue while they wait for their forever home.