Minnesota, USA

Changes to Twin Cities Vizsla Club Facebook Presence

You may have noticed a few changes on Facebook. Beginning in July, a new page was created, in addition to the existing group. The page was named Twin Cities Vizsla Club. The group name was changed to Fans of Twin Cities Vizsla Club. Please note, if you are searching for the new page, two may appear in the search results.

Be sure to choose the Community Organization. You will know when you’ve reached the right page, but, here’s an image of the current header. Note, that the tagline is @TCVizslas

You may be asking why we would have a Facebook page and group? That’s a great question. The group has met our needs for many years, but with the recent changes Facebook has made to how groups can be found and joined, it no longer meets our needs. We are a club of volunteers and we don’t want to spend time policing group requests and monitoring feeds. To be honest, it’s been an easy group to moderate. However, in order to keep the bots and fake accounts out, the group was changed to a private group. This change no longer allowed posts and events to be shared. This has impacted our Rescue Coordinator and our Event Chairs as they have to get creative when posting and sharing this information. Creating a page will allow the Rescue Coordinator and Event Chairs to post relevant information and to be able to easily share.

There is one more change yet to come. At the July board meeting, a motion was passed to retire the Facebook group and continue maintaining the Facebook page. The group will be retired December 31, 2022. Please be sure to like the new page, if you haven’t already. Event Chairs, if you need access to post on the page, please contact Jesi to make arrangements. Currently the Rescue Coordinator and the Speciality Show Chair should have access to post to the main feed (this is different than public posts). If you have any questions, please contact Jesi. We’ll learn together as we adjust to this change!