2023 Election Results
Officer and Director elections for 2023 occurred at the December 8th annual meeting. Congratulations to next year’s elected members! Get to know your officers and directors here.
- President: Jesi Foster
- Vice President: Todd Otten
- Treasurer: Paul Hussa
- Secretary: Jill Hoffbeck
- Director: Lois Almendinger
- Director: Karla Backmann
- Director: Melissa Lepsch

Please Renew Your Membership
It’s that time of year to renew your Twin Cities Vizsla Club Membership. There are two ways to complete your renewal:
- Online at https://tcvc.org/store/ Check your email for a separate message with the password.
- Mail a renewal to Paul Hussa, our club treasurer. (Application)
All renewals are due January 1, 2023. If a renewal is not received by March 31, 2023, your membership is considered lapsed and you will need to complete a new member application. All regular members should have attended at least one meeting in 2022 to maintain regular/voting status. This is not applicable for associate members or junior members.
If you joined TCVC after September 1, 2022, your dues payment is good through 2023, so you don’t need to renew at this time, but please let us know if your contact info has changed.
If you would like to make an annual donation to rescue activities, you make do so here: https://tcvc.org/donate/

Trophy Sponsorships are Now Open
We are looking to our membership and friends to consider sponsoring a trophy in one of the variety of venues that our beloved vizslas will be competing. Without your generous support, we wouldn’t be able to offer the wonderful trophies our committee selects year after year. We thank you for your previous support and hope that you will consider supporting us again.
Guidelines for Trophy Sponsorship
- Sponsorships are on a first come, first served basis.
- The sponsorship may be “In memory of” a deceased person or dog.
- The sponsorship may be “In honor of” a living person or a living dog.
- You may sponsor more than one trophy.
- Donations to the General Trophy fund are welcome!
There are a variety of price points available that can fit every budget for all 100+ trophies that our club will offer. All of our generous sponsors will be listed in the show catalog, providing the trophy is sponsored prior to the catalog deadline. Please take a moment to consider sponsoring one of the following trophies.
Trophies may be sponsored at https://tcvc.org/store/. Contact our Trophy Chair Jesi Foster at jesifoster@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Thank you in advance for your continued support!